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Metallization, also called thermal spraying, is the application of a layer of zinc on a material. This layer offers an adequate protection against corrosion. Especially when your product will be used or placed outside, metallization is recommended.

After the material is cleaned by sandblasting it (SA2,5), the zinc is applicated by wire flame spraying the zinc on the surface of the material. The zinc wire is feeded into an oxygen-fuel gas combusion flame, melted and then atomized by a blast of compressed air (see picture below). The result is a long-lasting rust-preventing layer.

When metallization is not possible because of technical reasons, we let it (hot dip) galvanize. Especially products that have to be galvanized inside as well as outside, we contract out.
Industrieweg 2K, 4731 SC Oudenbosch, The Netherlands, P 00-31-165-320189, E
CoC 78611741 VAT NL861469999B01